Funding Formula

Funding Formula Stage 3

Checklist 3: Increase Areas Of Relevance

Q. What should your organisation do?

  1. your organisation should find out and meet the needs and expectations of key stakeholders
  2. your organisation should adapt and change to meet the evolving needs and expectations of key stakeholders
  3. your organisation should increase the areas of relevance with its key stakeholders

Q. How can you ensure your organisation enjoys continuing relevance?

The graphic below illustrates the areas of common interest between your organisation and its key stakeholders (donors and clients). The area of overlap, in the middle, is where your organisation’s work is relevant to donors and clients. This should be where your messages are focused in all your communications materials, so that donors and clients can relate to your message.

This is your area of relevance and your message

Use Checklist #3 below, to help your organisation increase the areas of relevance with key stakeholders.

WhatDetailsY or N
Advocacy Is your organisation’s Advocacy programme effective? You can increase the area of relevance with donors by:
– building better relationships with ministers and parliamentarians – and listening to them
– influencing political will 
– improving the national context and environment for sexual and reproductive health in your country 
– creating new budget lines
– increasing donor interest in your work – and thus national/global funding for a broad(er) range of sexual and reproductive health and rights projects
Service deliveryIs your organisation’s service delivery programme effective? You can increase the area of relevance with clients by:
– building better relationships with your clients – and listening to them!
– focussing on the different needs of your clients
– strengthening demand creation and/or the Integrated Package of Essential Services which will increase the types of services available to clients
– your organisation can then build its service delivery programme to meet those needs