Funding Formula

Funding Formula Stage 2

Credibility: Introduction

In Stage 2, we explore the following issues:

  • what is credibility?
  • why and how you can improve your credibility
  • earning the trust of donors
  • avoiding the factors that can undermine your credibility

1. What is credibility?

Credibility means the integrity and trustworthiness of your organisation. Are you honest and reliable – can you be believed and trusted? Here are some questions you can ask of your organisation:

Q. Is your organisation well-governed, well-managed and accountable?

Highlight your organisation’s experience and qualifications, and promote your transparent governance structure and accountability. For example, donors and partners will want to see your financial documents, certificates of quality assurance, and proof of accreditation with IPPF and other organizations, as well as your registration documents.

Q. Is your organisation using funds effectively?

Demonstrate to donors how cost-effectively your organisation operates. Your ongoing monitoring and evaluation enable you to track performance and results, and you use data to make decisions. Stewardship of funds – agreements delivered to time, results and cost – is extremely important, and your timely reports to donors will reflect that.

Q. Is your organisation doing good work?

You need to demonstrate that you have an impeccable reputation, and that donors see your organisation as reliable and of high-standing. Your staff are recognized as qualified technical experts and accountable authorities in the field of sexual and reproductive health.

Q. Does your organisation have a donor database, financial systems, and other processes to support excellence in management?

Donors want to see that you can operate effectively, and that you can, for example, respond to fraud allegations, child protection issues, recruitment concerns or contractual problems in a robust, swift and comprehensive manner.

2. How can you improve your credibility?

Can donors trust your organisation? You can use IPPF’s three Credibility Checklists in the next three blocks of this Stage in the Resource Mobilization wall to verify that your organisation is:

  • well-governed, well-managed and accountable
  • using funds effectively, and
  • doing good work