Funding Formula

Funding Formula Stage 3

Checklist 1: Meeting the needs of stakeholders

Q. What should your organisation do?

  1. your organisation should find out and meet the needs and expectations of key stakeholders
  2. your organisation should adapt and change to meet the evolving needs and expectations of key stakeholders
  3. your organisation should increase the areas of relevance with its key stakeholders

Use Checklist #1 below to help your organisation find out and meet the needs and expectations of key stakeholders.

Find out and meet the needs and expectations of key stakeholders

WhatDetailsY or N
Donor MappingDo you undertake mapping assessments of donors and other partners to foster a greater understanding of their interests, priorities and strategies? 
RelationshipsDoes your organisation develop and build relationships to understand and influence stakeholder groups? 
ClientsDon’t forget your clients! How well do you understand their needs and expectations? Do you:
– undertake exit interviews and surveys
– use a Suggestion Box
– organize ‘learning days’ in the community to elicit feedback about your work
Social MediaDoes your organisation use social media such as Facebook, Twitter to read what clients (and others) think of your services?
Do you count ‘likes’ on Facebook, tweets and shares on Twitter?
Do you regularly read comments posted on other social media sites?
Do you have suggestions boxes or opportunities for questions on your website, or anywhere else?
PartnershipsHave you established partnerships with other Civil Society Organizations, academic institutions and other bodies so that you can collect more up to date intelligence, and participate in funding bids? 
Your national governmentAre you continuously finding out about the requirements and recommendations made by your national government, including your Ministry of Health and other relevant Ministries, such as Education, Women, Employment, Rights, Gender?
Does your work fit or align with your government’s national development plan?
Think about other government departments, for example: youth, justice, economy, development, finance, social affairs, internal affairs (for GBV), foreign affairs, emergencies. Are you aware of their plans and do you consider how your work would help them meet their different objectives?
International donorsIs your country a ‘donor darling’, with plenty of international donors supporting sexual and reproductive health projects?
Does your work support the Sustainable Development Goals?
Sustainable Development GoalsCan you demonstrate how your organisation’s work addresses and progresses the SDGs? This is imperative to all donors who have pledged to support the SDGs.