Funding Formula

Funding Formula Stage 3


In Stage 3, we explore the following issues:

  • what is relevance?
  • why you need to ensure continuing relevance
  • how to make sure that your organisation is relevant
  • how to increase your organisation’s area of relevance

1. What is relevance?

Relevance means useful. It means demonstrating that your organisation and its work are important – indeed, vital – to all your stakeholders. It is essential to show that you meet the needs of your country, clients and donors. Here are some questions you can ask your of organisation:

Q. Do you undertake ongoing research, and listen to and understand your stakeholders?

Have you researched your stakeholders? For example:

  • have you mapped your donors?
  • conducted exit surveys with clients?
  • analyzed Demographic and Health Surveys or your country health data?

Q. Do you know the goals, needs and requirements of your key stakeholders?

Can you identify your community’s needs, and are you meeting those needs with the highest quality services? Your programme should also be aligned to the plans of your national government and international donors.  There should be a tight fit between your stakeholders’ needs and your organisation’s values and programmes.

Q. Do your goals, programmes, activities and mission statement meet the needs and requirements of all stakeholders – especially clients and donors?

The needs and requirements of donors are not always the same as those of your clients – so make sure you reconcile the differences and remain relevant to all stakeholders.

2. Why do you need to ensure continuing relevance?

Your organisation needs to demonstrate continuing relevance in order to:

  • meet the requirements and unmet needs of your clients
  • generate donor interest
  • secure funding from donors

3. How can you ensure you are relevant?

Can your organisation demonstrate a deep and detailed understanding of your local, regional and national environments, including country and community issues, and international funding priorities? You can use IPPF’s three Relevance Checklists in the next three pages to help ensure your organisation’s relevance to stakeholders.