Funding Formula

Funding Formula Stage 4

Visibility checklist 2: Social media

Social media is here to stay! Here are some tips to increase online visibility:

Increase your Member Association’s online visibility

Be strategic and consistent  Does your organisation use the full potential of your social media posts to increase your audience and your presence online? Do you mix up your contents to keep your followers interested?
You do not have to post 200 updates per day, but plan your content and read through the posts carefully before sharing.
Do you make sure that your source is relevant and is either positive or neutral regarding your organisation’s vision.
Ask yourself: Is it relevant to us? Is it interesting for our audience? Do we fully share the message of this content?
Cross-promote your profiles  Is your audience able to connect easily to your organisation across all possible platforms? Do you:
– Add visible social media icons to your website and blog that link to your social media profiles?
– Add your website and other networks links to your social media, for example, promote your Twitter account and blog on your Facebook page.
– Add links to your website and blogs in your posts, to increase your web traffic?
Be catchy  Imagine your audience is scrolling through your organisation’s Twitter and Facebook feeds: do they really want to go through all 120 pictures of a meeting that they weren’t part of?
You have a few seconds to draw their attention and stand out in news feeds. Think about how your posts will appear. Using visuals – posts with photos, GIFs and videos – will create a much higher engagement rate, so make the most of them! 
Use catchy titles to invite people to read your blog, and mix text with videos and photos
Stay away from stiff and technical language  Do you: Assume that your audience will understand the acronyms and technical language that you are using? Or do you explain them in simple terms?
Use easy-to-understand language, adapted for the audience. Avoid using ‘SRHR’ as very few people outside of the small SRHR sector know what this means.
Keep track of your performance  Facebook, Twitter and major blog platforms have free embedded tools that allow your organisation to track the engagement and demographic data of your followers. Use of these tools will help you to adapt your content and understand the best timing to share your post based on when it is more likely to be read.  
Interact with other profiles  Do you tag other profiles?
Tagging other profiles in your organisation’s social media posts will give you the chance to collaborate with other organisations, be seen by their followers and possibly attract some of them.