Funding Formula

Funding Formula Stage 6


Stage 6, we explore the following issues:

  • What is a Resource Mobilization strategy  
  • How you can start to develop a strategy, and put it into practice
  • Working with a Logical Framework and Theory of Change
  • Preparing for bids: the Bid Pipeline and go/no-go decisions
  • How to design a successful project proposal

1. Putting the model into practice

1.1 In working through the other Stages of the Funding Formula, you have:

  • Undertaken a Needs Assessment and other exercises, to establish what resources and skills your Member Association already has, and what more you need to strengthen your Resource Mobilization programme
  • Understand how to demonstrate your Member Association’s credibility
  • Explored the funding environment through donor mapping
  • Can increase the visibility of your organization; and
  • Know how to strengthen donor and partner relationships

Now you can use all of this information to develop a Resource Mobilization strategy and increase income over the long term.

2. Developing a Resource Mobilization strategy

2.1 What is a Resource Mobilization Strategy?

A strategy comprises a goal, a set of long term objectives to be achieved within the stated goal, and an action plan specifying how the goal and objectives will be realized.

2.2 Why is a Resource Mobilization Strategy Important?

It will help you to think about, and plan:

  • What you want to achieve (in relation to raising funds)
  • What human, financial and technical resources you need
  • How you are going to reach your goal and meet your objectives
  • How you know that you have reached your goal and met your objectives

2.3 How do you start to develop a Resource Mobilization strategy?

You can use IPPF’s Developing a Resource Mobilization Strategy document in the next block in the Resource Mobilization wall to help create your Resource Mobilization strategy. The key stages of the Funding Formula – Credibility, Relevance, Visibility and Relationships – will also help you to develop outputs and indicators, to ensure you can stay focused and measure your progress.